Alright all you New Yorkers, or anyone else familiar with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygene's restaurant inspection letter grading system. Toyota feels your pain.
We've all been there. You've found the best of the best--the lunchtime cuisine that you'll be gushing over for weeks. You'll brag to all of your coworkers about finding a foodie paradise. But then you see it.
If you're lucky "it" is a large, green "B" in the window. If you're not, "it" is a large, orange "C." Orange, as in DO NOT EAT THIS, UNLESS IT IS AN ACTUAL ORANGE OR A CARROT.
Only sadness follows. Well, sadness and a fear of what fate might befall you over the next few hours. Your foodie hotspot is rife with disaster. It takes more than 14 sanitation violations to earn a "B" grade. It takes over 28 violations to earn a "C." And although I can't speak for them all, it appears many C's include problems with either roaches or droppings. I'll let you imagine the rest.
So, like I said, we've all been there. And Toyota feels your pain.
Bon appetite! And safe driving.